We are committed to keeping your privacy and personal data protected and secure.

We are committed to keeping your privacy and personal data protected and secure.

General provisions

UEEK has as one of its main values the guarantee of privacy and the free development of the natural person, as well as acting to amplify the culture of data protection. In this way, we are very concerned with keeping your privacy and personal data protected and secure. 

When browsing our platform, we collect some data and information about you. Through this Privacy Policy, you will be able to understand how UEEK treats your personal data, from the moment they come under our care, to how we use, store and protect them, in a transparent and efficient way, to ensure you, as the data subject, greater security when using our platforms.


Personal Data - is any information related to a natural or physical person that identifies them or allows their identification. For example, data that allows identification includes: name, CPF (Brazilian ID), address, telephone, email, among others.

Sensitive Data - are those that refer to racial or ethnic origin, religious belief, political opinion, affiliation with a union or an organization of a religious, philosophical, or political nature, data related to health or sex life, genetic or biometric data when linked to a natural person.

Data Protection Officer (DPO) - is the person who acts as a communication channel between you (data subject), the controller (us), and the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD), regarding the protection of your personal data. 

Data Processing Agents - is the controller (who decides on the processing of personal data, in this case, Labhos) and the processor (who processes personal data on behalf of the controller).

Policy - This is the term you are reading, the Privacy Policy.

Platform - is this website that you are using and is managed by UEEK. 

Legal Bases - are hypotheses that Law No. 13,709/18 (General Data Protection Law - LGPD) authorizes the processing of your personal data. Treatments that occur without a legal basis are not allowed, as they are illegal.

Processing - is the use we make of your personal data, including, but not limited to, the following activities: collection, production, storage, consultation, use, sharing, transmission, classification, processing, reproduction, and deletion of these.

Now that you are already familiar with the main terms of the LGPD, get to know a little more about the PROCESSING AGENT responsible for the operations related to your data:

UEEK was founded in April 2012, and throughout our existence, we have specialized in producing technological solutions for the development of companies seeking to reduce costs, increase the efficiency of one or more processes, sell more, communicate with their customers, launch new products, and stay ahead of the competition. We serve companies and people from all segments and dedicate ourselves daily to offering the best.

We are located at the Orion Technological Park, located in Lages, which has the first Innovation Center in the Santa Catarina network. 

Some other information about us: We are registered with CNPJ No. 15,426,923/0001-87, and our headquarters are located at Rua Heitor Villa Lobos, No. 525, Orion Technological Park, Room 203, São Francisco District, Lages/SC, ZIP code 88506-400.

If you have any questions about our activities, as a processing agent, and regarding the processing of your personal data, you can contact us through the communication channels of our officer at the end of this document. 


Now you will understand a little bit about how we treat your personal data, and for what purposes we use them.


In order to serve you in the best possible way on the subject of your interest. :)


When browsing the Ueek website, we only collect information that you provide us, if you wish to contact us, such as your name, email address, and telephone. If you wish to apply for a career, we will ask for some additional data, such as your portfolio, the link to your LinkedIn profile, and your resume.

 We use analysis tools, so the only cookies we use are those necessary for the platform to function.


The contact made through the platform or the quotes resulting from it are stored for five years in our database, counted from your last contact, in case you change your mind. But rest assured, they will be safe with us during this period. 


Your data may be shared with some of our partners, which assist us in providing our services. We always seek to establish contractual obligations with them based on the protection of personal data and information security, to minimize the risks for you, the data subject. These partners are involved in activities such as data hosting and also execution of services related to your product.

We may also share your data with public authorities, as well as judges, who have the competence to request such information, for example, to assist in investigations, or to fulfill legal obligations; except if we understand that there is an abuse of power. In these cases, we will always defend your privacy. 


We consider it important to protect your personal data, as well as your privacy. In this way, we have adopted data security and governance practices, among us, our employees and partners, ensuring that everyone has good practices related to the protection of your personal data, and we guarantee that we use the collected data only for the purposes described in this Policy.

Another way we adopt to ensure the protection of your personal data is the adoption of encryption techniques, such as cryptographic hashes. In addition, our servers are protected with SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate, which guarantees confidentiality and security in data transmission; and there is constant monitoring of the servers and databases.

We work hard to maintain your privacy and the security of your personal data, but we cannot ensure complete security, as this does not depend exclusively on us. At this point, it is important that you maintain the confidentiality of your login and password, and keep your antivirus programs updated, so that there is no access by malicious third parties. If you notice any unusual activity in your account, you should immediately change your password and inform our officer to prevent damage. For these reasons, your participation is crucial for the creation and maintenance of a secure virtual environment.

Eventual hardware and software failures that are not under our control can occur, as well as other factors that may compromise security. But if this happens, we will act repressively to solve the situation as soon as we become aware of it.


The legal bases are the hypotheses provided for in the legislation that authorize the processing of your personal data. In the table below, you can view them, as well as the purpose for which we collect and use such data: 

DataType of DataPurposeLegal BasisNamePersonal DataContact/Quote/ApplicationConsent of the Data Subject (art. 7, item I).EmailPersonal DataContact/Quote/ApplicationConsent of the Data Subject (art. 7, item I).TelephonePersonal DataContact/Quote/ApplicationConsent of the Data Subject (art. 7, item I).RésuméPersonal DataApplicationConsent of the Data Subject (art. 7, item I).LinkedIn Links/PortfolioCommon DataApplicationConsent of the Data Subject (art. 7, item I).Company NameCommon DataQuotationConsent of the Data Subject (art. 7, item I).

Remember that the data we collect are strictly used to achieve the purposes declared to them. You will be able to access, update, and supplement them, and also request the deletion of the data already collected by UEEK, for this, there is a specific section in this Policy.


UEEK has headquarters in Brazil and provides its services in Brazilian territory, being subject to local law. However, the personal data we collect may be transferred to other jurisdictions to meet the purposes set forth in this Policy, as some of our databases are located outside of Brazil. 

These transfers are carried out solely for data hosting. The country where the databases are located has strict norms for the protection of personal data, possessing an adequate level of data protection, in order to comply with applicable Brazilian legislation, always aiming to maintain the privacy of the data and ensure compliance with the principles, data subject rights, and what is provided for in the LGPD. 

If you have any questions related to this procedure, please contact our data protection officer, the contact information is at the end of this Policy.


You, as a data subject, have a series of rights related to the protection of your personal data and we are committed to complying with them. Below, we will explain these rights that the law guarantees you and how you can exercise them.

They are as follows:

CONFIRMATION AND ACCESS - Allows you to confirm that UEEK processes your personal data, and if there is processing, you can request a copy of the personal data we have about you.

CORRECTION - You may request the correction of personal data that are incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated.

ANONYMIZATION, BLOCKING OR DELETION - You may request that we take certain actions with your data, such as:

  • anonymization, where the data will no longer be related to you, losing the characteristic of personal data;

  • blocking of your data, temporarily suspending the processing carried out by us;

  • deletion of your data, in which case we will erase all your data from our databases, with no possibility of reversal, except in cases provided for by law.

PORTABILITY - You may request, upon express and prior request, that UEEK provide you, or third parties of your choice, with your personal data for transfer to another provider, provided it does not violate our intellectual property and business secrets. If you wish, you can request that other companies send your personal data, in the same way, to facilitate the provision of our services.

INFORMATION ABOUT SHARING - Another right that belongs to you is to know which public and private entities UEEK shares data with, and you can find them in this document. If in doubt, or if you want to obtain more details about sharing, you have the right to request this information by contacting our data protection officer.

INFORMATION ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF NOT CONSENTING - Your consent, when necessary, must be clear, free, and informed. You have the right to have complete information about the possibility and consequences of refusing consent. Thus, whenever we request your consent, you can deny it, even though in these cases we may have to limit our services or, in some cases, be unable to provide them.

REVOCATION OF CONSENT - You have the right to withdraw consent in activities to which this legal basis applies, that is, all activities that required your consent. However, this will not affect the legality of the processing carried out before the revocation of consent. If you withdraw it, this may affect the provision of our services, including making it impossible to provide them, but we will notify you when this happens.

OBJECTION TO PROCESSING - The law authorizes us to process your data, even without your consent or a contract with us. In this case, we must demonstrate legitimate reasons for this processing, such as preventing fraud, improving communication with you, or making improvements to our platforms. If you believe that this processing is inappropriate, you may object to it and request its interruption.

When you wish to exercise your rights as a data subject, we may request some additional information about you in order to prove your identity and prevent fraud, ensuring your safety and privacy. We are committed to responding to your requests in a reasonable time frame and in compliance with Brazilian law.


If you feel that any of your rights as a data subject have been violated, threatened, or if, in any way, you believe that your personal data has been used in a manner incompatible with what is provided in this policy; or if you have any doubts, comments, or suggestions related to this document, you can contact our Data Protection Officer who will be available to assist you at the following contact addresses:


We seek to always be in compliance with current legislation, and in constant optimization of the provision of our services to ensure their excellence. Therefore, this Privacy Policy may be updated to reflect such necessary improvements. But rest assured, whenever there are significant changes, you will be notified by email. We also recommend that you make periodic visits to this page to be aware of all the modifications already made.

There are no previous versions.